equipment leasing

November 17, 2015

Aircraft Finance Programs

Aircraft Finance – for Business or Personal use We have updated our aircraft financing to include new and used small commercial aircraft for personal and business use. The aircraft itself provides excellent collateral and we offer a variety of loan and lease structures to optimize the benefits to the operator/owner. […]
September 27, 2015

Power Purchase Agreement – The Solution for Your Next Solar Project

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a great way for a company or non-profit organization to pay a fixed or controlled rate for power over a 15 or 20 year period. The PPA electric rate is generally significantly discounted compared to the utility rate for the same energy. The company […]
August 4, 2015

Deal Killers – In Equipment Leasing and Financing

A “deal killer” in financing is one that stops the approval review process right in it’s’ tracks. The finance request is dead and the chances of getting approved are gone. The deal killers are clear and usually well defined but somehow businesses still submit applications with these killers on the […]
July 21, 2014

New Program with 1 Day Approvals & Funding – Equipment Cost: $5,000 – $25,000

We have a new program for small ticket equipment financing which approves a client and funds a vendor the very same day. Approval decisions happen within 2 hours so you can use your new equipment right away. This is the fastest finance process in the industry! The Key Points include: Finance amount: […]
June 13, 2014

Good Questions Asked Frequently – GQAF

Some scenarios or questions come up on a weekly basis and this is a good opportunity to share them with you here. If you think of others, please let me know. GQAF – How fast can my finance move because we’re in a big hurry. Answer – Usually the pacing […]
May 22, 2014

Lowest Cost Solar Financing

Financing a solar system can be a challenge since end-users and developers strive to match finance payments to energy savings within a specific term of the loan. For certain projects, an Operating Lease or Tax Lease may be the best solution. The end-user doesn’t get to keep the tax credit […]
April 27, 2014

What 100% Equipment Financing Means

There is a little confusion over what “100% financing” actually means. Client and vendors sometimes think it’s financing without any upfront costs to the customer. If this were true then it would be called “no upfront cost financing” but this is not the case. 100% financing actually means that it […]
April 14, 2014

Are You a Direct Lender?

The question, “are you a direct lender?” pops up from business owners with the idea that being a direct lender is going to get you a better deal. People think “direct” means there are no middle men which will increase the cost of funds. Once you understand the process and […]
February 10, 2014

The Key to Success: Access to Capital

For a business, access to capital is the determining factor to whether a business will survive or fail, expand or become stagnant or take advantage of opportunities or let game-changing chances just drift away. This is no exaggeration since statistics clearly show that most businesses fail because they simply run […]