equipment loans

March 3, 2020


The interest rate topic drives some business owners into making rash decisions. All owners want to pay the lowest rate possible but we’ve seen some work hard to qualify for a good rate, providing all the requested documentation and then lengthen the term of the finance just because they are […]
April 16, 2019

Cash Flow is King

Business owners often stress prior to submitting a request for new equipment financing. By the time we get an application we hear about all the things that has kept them up at night; personal credit score, business credit, seasonal or market slowdowns, lawsuits and ownership changes are among some of […]
January 31, 2016

Cash Buyer – The Good and Bad for Equipment Financing

“I pay for everything in cash, I never finance anything” or “I’ve never had to take out a loan, I don’t believe in it”. Every so often, I encounter this type of feedback from a business owner. The attitude usually goes along with a strong, hands-on work ethic for an […]
November 23, 2015

Prequalify for Better Results

Sale reps and vendors spend a considerable amount of time and money to identify and get in front of the right potential client. The opportunity to directly engage with a prospect is often considered a victory in of itself yet many sales people fail to get valuable information about the […]