equipment leasing companies

April 12, 2012

“A” Plus Credit – Where Do You Rank?

When someone says a company has “AAA” rated credit they mean the credit is good, real good. In essence, they are at the highest level of credit worthiness which is a measure of their ABILITY and READINESS to pay back debt. Keep in mind it’s both attributes; just because someone […]
April 4, 2012

Commercial Solar – Financing to Net Zero

HOW IT WORKS: Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials such as polysilicon. When sunlight hits a solar cell, some is absorbed within the semiconductor material. As light energy transfers to the semiconductor it breaks electrons loose, allowing them to flow freely and efficiently convert direct sunlight into electricity […]
March 22, 2012

4 Tips to Getting Your LED or Solar Project Financed

LED and Solar technologies and interest in those markets is booming. The cost savings are tangible and the stability of much of the hardware has reached a level where its longevity can be relied on. Makeshift, flimsy equipment has, for the most part, disappeared and been replaced with extended warranties […]
February 16, 2012

Business Lending: In Need of Short Term Capital?

Small businesses and companies have cash flow fluctuations which can sometimes be hard to manage. Sales are unpredictable and emergencies happen and a shortage for working capital can easily occur. A bank credit line is perfect for these situations but what if your bank line is near capacity? Getting cash […]
January 31, 2012

Super Bowl Financing

As a non-bank lender, we underwrite and finance equipment and projects through wholesale lenders and private investor groups. Much like the upcoming big game, we bring together all our skills and resources to get the task done. So, what is different with a private finance company like ours? We have […]
January 21, 2012

Equipment Financing and Factoring – A Powerful Combination

Seasoned business owners understand the power of financial leverage. This is particularly important for manufacturing companies, which require a significant investment in equipment, inventory and raw materials before they can start making sales. Often the key to success is to spend as little working capital as possible on these expenses, […]
January 6, 2012

Equipment Loans & Equipment Leasing: A Banker’s Best Friend

What happens when a business client comes into your bank, requests a business loan or to finance some equipment and you can’t do it? Rejecting a client, at any level, is not easy but the first inclination for that business owner is to look for another bank which can fulfill […]
January 2, 2012

Top Question of 2011?

As we look back on 2011 and enthusiastically welcome in the New Year of 2012, we reflect on the most commonly asked question last year. Beating out, “what’s myrate?” and “how fast can you get it done?” is the most frequently asked question, “WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YOU AND […]
December 2, 2011

No Fees (only service!)

Many lenders and finance companies still ask for “review fees” which basically means they are charging you to review your financials even if they don’t get you approved. Some of the fees can actually be substantial in the $500 + ballpark; lenders are making money off of you even when […]